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云上的记忆[短篇] - 分卷阅读66

独狐拜月 2024字 2022-05-07
s summer, just for getting self-comfort or, precisely, as a way of living. At present, there was a kind of peace in her eyes, with the calm as the result of accepting the fate.
At the moment, a young man passed by, taking a bicycle, and brought a gust of wind, which made Si’s hair fluttering in the air. Si stopped at a loss. The young man wore a white shirt and a pair of black jeans, he was listening music with the personal stereo when he took the bicycle. When Si saw him passing the corner of the street, she began to run.
Si was crazily chasing the bicycle, which made passengers looked at her. The young man felt her, he stopped the bicycle immediately. He propped up the body and the bicycle by his left leg, turning his head and looked across at Si with the expression of surprise in his eyes.
Yuan: What’s up? (plucked up his cheeks, embarrassedly)
Si (with the expression of surprise and timidity): Can you give me one of your hairs?
Scene 3
At dusk, by the sea, Si at her 8 and her litter brother Yu at his 5, were playing the sand. There were torrential waves at the distance.
Si: We lack a roof for our castle, if only there is a whelk!
Yu: I’ll go and find one.
Si: Be quick! Mom will call us back to the hotel when the night comes.
Yu: Got it. Wait for me!
Si was concentrating on the sand sculptures all the time. The sound of waves got higher and higher, and the races of the setting sun was swallowed by the night gradually. She didn’t realize that her brother had been gone for quite a long time until her sight got dim. She turned her head in a hurry, but all she saw was the violent sea, she couldn’t seek out her brother Yu.
Many scenes rushed into the screen, dazzling and puzzling, which dropped a hint of anxiousness and sadness:
Si and her parents ran on the beach, crying out her brother’s name;
Some lifeguards searched in the sea;
Si’ mother yelled and cried hyste

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